Fake Nursing Colleges in Bangalore – Truth or Myth?

There is a lot of news spreading through social media and major newspapers in India about fake nursing colleges in Bangalore. After this news spread like wildfire, I used to get hundreds of calls every year asking about the same.

So I thought it would be really good if I wrote a detailed article about “fake nursing colleges in Bangalore”. 😀

Please do note, that this article will be a bit lengthy and I will suggest you read the article completely.

Types of Fake Nursing Colleges in Bangalore

I would like to categorize fake nursing colleges so that it would help you in better understanding. Mainly I will categorize them into 4 types and you can go through them below.

Leased/Rented Building

There are many colleges in Bangalore, which doesn’t even have their buildings. Yes, it is true!

They just acquire lease or rented property and paint them to make a basic setup and get the approval from the nursing council. A nursing college management must have the basic financial backup to run an institution. If they are not having their building, what do you expect them to provide your child?

On-Paper Staff

These types of fake nursing colleges in Bangalore, won’t have enough staff. So what they will do is, they will be hiring on-paper faculties who will be available in the college only during admissions and nursing council or university inspections.

Once the formalities are done, they go back to their place and get a small pay for the visits. They save a lot of money for these fake colleges. There are many colleges in Bangalore, that don’t even conduct any regular classes.

Under Quality Education

I have personally seen colleges that don’t even have microscopes or any pre-clinical facilities. Once I had a chance to visit a college, and when I had a word with the students there, they told me that they don’t have classes, faculties or anything.

I didn’t even see proper chairs in the classrooms. When I asked those students, why they joined that college? They answered, that they were from West Bengal and a guy from their local told them about the college and without visiting the college they paid the fees to the college.

The students were in a situation, where they lost their future and didn’t have anyone to guide them in academics.

New Colleges + Fake Promises

You might even come to know about new colleges with very low fees. But it might be their first batch and they might not be having affiliation or approvals. They will attract you with low fees and tell you that all the approvals are done, and it will be updated on the INC website in a month.

Don’t trust their words! You have to personally visit Bangalore and see the college. By looking into the basic amenities of the college you will understand whether they will get approval or not.

There are new colleges, with excellent facilities which are better than top colleges too. So choose wisely.

List of Fake Nursing Colleges in Bangalore

It is practically not possible for me to list colleges here and defame them, right? So I won’t do that.

But you can go through my detailed article about INC-approved nursing colleges in Bangalore. Which will give you the list of recognized and good nursing colleges in Bangalore.

If you are looking for colleges in other parts of Karnataka, then you can go through the following articles:

But if you have questions about fake nursing colleges, then you can contact me at +917907887585.

How to Choose a Nursing College in Bangalore?

You can keep these points in mind, which you can consider while choosing a nursing college in Bangalore. These are from my personal experiences and you can comment your suggestions below.

Infrastructure and Facilities

You must choose colleges with all the basic infrastructure and academic facilities. They must have the following without fail:

  • Lab facilities like microscopes, slides and specimens.
  • Pre-clinical labs with all the facilities including patient beds.
  • Decent anatomy, physiology and biochemistry labs as they are the basics of nursing.
  • Library with a decent atmosphere.

These are the very basic amenities a college must have. Read it twice – BASIC AMENETIES.

Regular Faculties

As I told you earlier, there are many colleges in Bangalore which don’t have regular experienced staff. They might be hiring a fresher MSc.Nursing or BSc.Nursing students who have passed from the same college.

If they have on-paper staff and not regular faculties stay away from these colleges. Nursing is a profession which needs both knowledge, clinical skills and management skills. To build it you need someone really good to guide you. Fair enough?

Attached or Affiliated Hospital

As per the nursing council and university rules, every nursing college must have an attached hospital or must be tied up with private or government hospitals for clinical practice. All colleges will surely be having this.

But the problem is that as per Nursing Council guidelines – a 300-bed hospital can have just one nursing college. But in reality most of the hospitals with 300 beds, they are having more than 15 nursing colleges.

According to Times of India reports, there is a hospital called KC General Hospital which has 452 beds. But in this single hospital, more than 71 colleges are tied up.

What is the problem? Lack of clinical exposure will be the major issue faced by students.

Approvals and Affiliations

The college must be affiliated with a decent university. All the private nursing colleges in Bangalore are affiliated with RGUHS. You can check the official website of RGUHS for affiliation details.

The college must also be recognized by INC and KNC. If you don’t find them on the official list, then you must ask the college why it’s not available on the list.

There are scenarios where the INC website is not properly updated.

Hostel Facilities

You might be wondering why I am mentioning the hostel facility here right? Because I have personally seen the worst of the worst hostels in Bangalore. Yes, there are unhygienic hostels which will affect you mentally and physically.

Please visit the hostel rooms and mess, and see whether it’s properly maintained and hygienic.

Is INC Going Anything About Fake Colleges?

Yes, they are! It might take some time to inspect debar colleges as thousands of students are studying in these colleges. The INC has already started modifying the basic criteria for starting a nursing college and admission procedures.

Hope these fake nursing colleges in Bangalore will be shut down soon.

How I Can Help You?

There are a few ways how I can help you in choosing the best nursing colleges in Bangalore. I am a career counsellor with more than 17 years of experience in the field of nursing education.

I can guide you in different ways in choosing a good nursing college in Bangalore.

College Selection

I can help you in choosing the best nursing colleges in Bangalore keeping in mind the following criteria. I have visited all the nursing colleges personally and I know these colleges in and out.

Budget Friendly

I can also help you in getting colleges in your budget. Yes, I have the updated data of all the nursing colleges, their fee structure, scholarships available etc. This will help me guide you choose the best college in your budget.


There are a few nursing colleges in Bangalore, which provide scholarships to deserving students. I am aware of many scholarship schemes which will support you financially.

Educational Loan

I can also help you by providing the supporting documents for applying for an educational loan. I won’t be arranging educational loans, but I can help you with documentation.

Local Guardian Service

You might be staying far away and I can help you by being a local guardian for your child in Bangalore. This makes sure they are safe and doing well. This is a premium service for normal students, by students who are taking through my guidance will be provided this service free of cost.

Apart from these, I will always be there to guide you during your graduation.

Frequently Asked Questions

I used to get hundreds of questions from students about fake nursing colleges in Bangalore. I would like to list a few of the general questions and answer them. This might clear other doubts you are having.

How can I avoid fake nursing colleges?

You have to do proper research or take proper guidance from an experienced person.

How many fake nursing colleges are there in Bangalore?

There are at least 20-30 fake nursing colleges in Bangalore.

Can you help me in choosing a good nursing college?

Yes, that’s my job. I will be taking requirements from you and I can filter out colleges for you.

What is your service charge?

I don’t charge anything from my students for nursing admissions.

I need your service, what next?

You can contact me at +91-7907887585 and I will explain in detail.


I have tried my best to include all the information about fake nursing colleges in Bangalore. All the information provided here is from my personal experience as an educational consultant.

I know there might be many people who might have been hurt by this article, and I feel this is justice done to students.

If you have any questions, then comment below and show your support. If you have any urgent queries, then feel free to contact me at +91-7907887585.

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About Sidharth PS

I am Sidharth PS, the co-founder of ZoomColleges.com, a career counselor and educational blogger with more than 17 years of experience in the field of career guidance and college admissions. I will be majorly sharing about different colleges which I visited and the admission procedures of different courses.

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